After SP1 graduated ATC,
the future of SP was behind big lockers. There were dozens of gossips about the
future of SP. Eventually in 2005 Agip KCO started recruitment of SP2. As in the
first SP, Agip KCO advertised their invitation for test in The National
Magazine. 229 candidatures were picked out for training. 150 trainees finished
their study with success, 70 were terminated and 9 were transferred to the Well
Despite the previous SP’s
diversity, SP-2 had only one discipline Process Operators. If the first
trainees were recruited for supervisors and engineers positions, SP-2 trainees
were recruited for process operator position. These changes made up within
long-term strategy of the company.
The course itself represented
improved and specified course for process operators. Many things had changed
since the first program. For instance, English Language Courses were prolonged
due to the lack of the time to gain all necessary knowledge. Transition Course
was shortened and new didactic materials implemented in it. Technical course
was constantly improving due to the extracted information on the Kashagan
field. This information enabled the introduction of new courses. The courses
were shortened and simplified.
With the development of new
technology equipment in the workshops in ATC were gradually replaced. Also new
software was used instead of old one’s. New simulators of technical processes
were purchased, which enabled trainees to get better understanding of
The trainees of SP-2 also went to different facilities and plants all over the world. The knowledge they acquired helped them in their future career.