Atyrau, formerly known as Guryev until 1991, is a city in Kazakhstan, and the capital of Atyrau Region.
Modern Atyrau is famous for
its oil and fish industries. Here first oil refineries and the largest fish
cannery of the Republic were built. That is why the City Emblem involves
sturgeon and oil derrick.
Indeed, an original visiting
card of the Atyrau region is a large-scale project on the North Caspian Sea, Kashagan.
Within the bounds of the project, Agip KCO company developed the program for
high skilled staff training. Currently, 117 trainees from different parts of
Kazakhstan participate in serious education process in a special center, Atyrau
Training Center (ATC). We are together happy to be involved in such huge
project which is known all over the World
This lovely city located on
the Ural River definitely became native for a majority of newcomers
particularly for numerous trainees of ATC and it is not a secret that this
place allowed us to find new friends, improve our education level and become
adults leaving the nest.
By the way, it is special feature of the city that here you can get the opportunity to be in two different continents, Europe and Asia, simultaneously. For instance, you can live in Asia and study in Europe or you are able to have shopping in Asia if you didn’t find suitable goods in Europe and everything without visa system.